Applications of Independent Sub-Band Functions and Wavelet Analysis in Single-Channel Noisy Signal BSS: Model and Crucial Technique 独立子波函数和小波分析在单路含噪信号盲分离中的应用研究:模型与关键技术
Wavelet soft-threshold de-noising method was applied to preprocess the noisy signal, and the noise interference in disturbance detection was reduced to a great extent. 采用小波软阈值去噪方法对信号噪声进行预处理,很大程度地减小了噪声对扰动检测的干扰。
In this paper, the IPSO-QNN is adopted to decrease noise of noisy speech signal, and focused on improving the learning algorithm of QNN. 利用一种改进的量子神经网络(IPSO-QNN)在时域上对含噪的语音信号进行降噪处理,文中重点改进了QNN所涉及到的学习算法。
The magnitude-frequency characteristics of the noisy signal is utilized in the algorithm and the denoising is realized by the use of characteristic bases. 该算法利用含噪信号在幅频特性上的特征,通过特征基来进行信号的去噪处理。
Robustness Weighting Techniques for Noisy Speech Signal Processing 带噪语音信号处理中的稳健性加权方法
Therefore, how to obtain the original speech from the noisy signal is the main problem to be solved in the field of military communication. 因此,如何在强噪声环境中提取原始语音信号,改善军用通信电台的语音通信质量,进而提高战时语音通信效率,是军事通信研究中一个急待解决的问题。
Noisy signal and incomplete data which are detrimental to resolution and image quality are two unavoidable problems in some imaging systems. 在许多成像系统当中,噪声干扰和信号不完整是两个普遍存在的问题。这两个问题是某些成像系统固有的,它们使得成像分辨率和图像质量都大大降低。
It first makes the homomorphic transformation on the noisy signal, then applies Lee filter to remove noise, and at the end carries out the inverse transformation. 它首先对信号进行同态变换,然后用Lee滤波器作去噪声处理,最后再作同态逆变换。
Before spectral subtraction, stationary wavelet filtering is made for noisy signal and noise model, which can effectively eliminate "music noise" caused by random noise spectral. 谱减之前对染噪信号和噪声模板都作静态小波滤波,可有效消除随机噪声谱引起的音乐噪声。
Noisy speech signal collected in the noisy environment are processed. 在噪声环境中采集了带噪语音信号进行增强处理。
First-order fractal fuzzy control filter is a kind of adaptive filter, and it adjusts its performance by changing control parameter according to the change of fractal property of noisy signal, and can be used in time series processing. 一阶分形模糊控制滤波器是一种自适应滤波器,根据噪声的分形特征量变化改变滤波器的控制参数,自动调整其滤波特性,可以应用于时间序列的处理中。
Experiments show the efficiency of removing noisy signal in noisy speech signal by combining mathematical morphology and wavelet transform. 实验结果表明,数学形态学和小波变换两者相结合能够有效地滤除混噪语音信号中的噪声信号。
Endpoint Detection of Noisy Signal Based on Feature Extraction Using Independent Component Analysis 基于独立分量分析特征提取的带噪信号端点检测
Using this algorithm, low frequency band signals, which include pitch information, can be precisely separated from noisy speech signal, and the pitch's saltation can also be corrected. 该算法能精确地从含噪语音中分离出包含基音信息的低频子带信号,并且对基音周期的突变能够很好地纠正。
Donoho and Johnstone proposed a new way to denoise the noisy signal and images: wavelet shrinkage. Donoho和Johnstone在1992年提出了小波收缩方法。
On the basis, the characteristics called the ICA Energy ( ICAE) and the Filtered ICAE ( FICAE) are used for the noisy signal endpoint detection. 在此基础上提出了ICA能量(ICAE)和滤波ICAE(FICAE)特征来进行端点检测。
The intrinsic mode function ( IMF) domain filtering method is proposed in this paper. This method is used to detect ed-ges of the noisy signal. 本文首次提出了基于固有模态函数(IMF)域滤波方法,该方法可以用于对带噪信号的边缘检测。
The Simple Circuit With High Performance in Detecting Main Pulse of non Fixed Period from noisy Signal 简单而性能良好的非固定周期峰值检测电路
The theoretic analyses and the simulations show that it is the STFT and the wavelet transform, but the WVD and the pseudo WVD, of the noisy signal are non-biased estimators to the corresponding TFR of the clean signal. 研究了加性白噪声环境下有用信号时频表示的估计问题,理论分析和仿真实验表明:有噪信号的STFT和小波变换都可以无偏地估计原信号的相应时频表示;
By analyzing a chemical noisy signal, a method which can sample continuous signal simply and economically is introduced. 通过分析一例含噪化工信号,介绍一种经济简便的对连续信号采样的方法。
SR, a well-known phenomenon wherein the energy of noise of a noisy signal can be transferred to the concerned signal in a nonlinear system, has been proved to be an efficient approach to the problem of noise in several scientific fields. 随机共振现象中存在着将噪声的能量转移给信号,从而提高信号信噪比的机制,是一种处理噪声信号的有效方法。
Its mechanism explains, SVD on data matrix of noisy signal can obtain signal subspace and noise subspace, and orthogonal projection of noisy signal to signal subspace leads to denoising. 其基本原理是,由含噪信号形成的数据矩阵进行奇异值分解可以获得信号子空间和噪声子空间,将含噪信号正交投影到信号子空间中即可得到去除噪声。
The goal of signal denoising is to recover the original signal from noisy signal corrupted by additive noise. 信号降噪的目的是从被加性噪声污染的信号中还原原始信号。
In the de-noising process, different wavelet bases and threshold value are used on the same noisy signal, after a large number of simulation comparisons, a general principle of selecting the wavelet bases function and threshold values is obtained. 在去噪过程中,对同一含噪信号采用不同小波基和阈值门限,经过大量的仿真比较得到小波基函数及阈值门限的一般选取原则。
A semi-soft threshold function is proposed, the parameters of the function can be adjusted adaptively with different noisy signal, so that more detailed components of the signal can be extracted. 提出一种半软阈值函数针对不同的含噪信号自适应的调节参数,以提取出更多信号的细节成分。
During the digital image processing, image signal is contaminated inevitably by noisy signal due to limitation of imaging methodology and external disturbance. 在数字图像处理中,由于受到成像方法和条件的限制以及外界干扰,图像信号不可避免地要受到噪声信号污染。
In the bistable nonlinear array analogous to neuron models, for a common periodic noisy signal, the array response shows a resonance-typed behavior as the internal noise intensity increases. 在类似神经元性质的双稳态非线性阵列中,研究发现对于同一个含噪声的周期信号,阵列响应随阵列内部噪声强度增强的随机共振现象。
If the noise signal in the noisy speech signal is statistically independent, it needs to know exactly the probability distribution of clean speech and the noise signal. 若语音信号和噪声信号是统计独立的,则需要准确的知道纯净语音信号和噪声信号的概率分布。
In order to improve the quality of the noisy signal, we need to reduce the noise. 为了在噪声环境下提高语音信号的质量,就需要对其进行降噪处理。
We studied the data fusion algorithm to obtain the optimal estimation from multi noisy signal sources. 我们首先研究了从多个包含干扰的信号估计中获取最佳估计的数据融合算法,导出了多导数据融合公式。